Pops two i32 values off the stack, rotates the first value to the right by the second number of bits, and then pushes the result back on to the stack. This is similar to shifting the bits right, but any bits on the right that would have need lost, are instead moved to the left.



Stack In

i32 The first value to be rotated right.
i32 The second value to rotate the bits by.

Stack Out

i32 The result of rotating the first value right by the second value's number of bits.


;; Push the i32 value 0x12345678 onto the stack
i32.const 0x12345678

;; Push the i32 value 8 onto the stack
i32.const 8

;; Pop the two i32 values off the stack, rotate the first value right
;; by the second value's number of bits and push the result
;; back onto the stack

;; The stack contains an i32 value of 0x78123456