Fill a section of memory with a given byte value. You use an i32 value but only the first 8 bits are used.



Stack In

i32 The offset within memory to start filling.
i32 The value to fill the memory with. Only the first 8 bits are used.
i32 The number of bytes to fill.

Stack Out



;; Create memory 1 page in size and can grow to 2 pages
(memory 1 2)
;; Create function
(func $resetMemory
  ;; Set the offset within memory to start filling
  i32.const 0

  ;; Set the value to fill memory with
  i32.const 0x00

  ;; Set the number of bytes to fill
  i32.const 256

  ;; Fill the memory with the data

  ;; The first 256 bytes of memory are set to 0x00