Grid Setup

Version: 0.2


A grid of cells that the user can setup live, in the browser, adding, removing cells, resizing columns, rows and so on.



edit-mode This is the type of information that is being edited. The value can be one of the following.

Adjust the percentage size of the columns and rows

Add and remove the number of columns and rows

Add, remove cells and change their span sizes

Allows the user to select one of the cells
menu Controls if the menu should be shown. If not used then no menu is displayed. The value can be one of the following.



Default Each default slot is placed within the grid. Each cell needs the following attributes to control where it is placed and what its size is.


The column and row values start at 1. The span values are only required if the cell is stretched over multiple cells.

You will also need to add an id value for all your cells.


add When the user selects to add a new cell. It is up to you to show the user what to add and then add a new element inside the <grid-setup>, with column and row attributes. The whole <grid-setup> becomes disabled, and you cannot select or change anything, until you either add a new cell slot or call the cancelAdd function.

Extra event information is as follows.


The column and row of the cell that is being added.
removed When the user selects to remove an existing block. This is fired after the element was removed from the <grid-setup>.

Extra event information is as follows.
The id of the cell slot element that was removed.


The column and row of the cell that was removed.
changed When the grid columns or rows have changed in size or have been added or removed. When a cell is resized (span length adjusted).
select When the select edit-mode is used, this returns the chosen slotted cell element.

Properties & Functions

Gets and sets the list of columns and rows. The columns and rows attributes contain a string of integer values that give the column or row sizes in percentages. This gets and sets the same information but as a list of integer numbers. They will all add up to 100.
cancelAdd When the user selects to add a new cell, it is highlighted, and the "add" event is fired. The highlighted cell is unhighlighted when a new cell slot element is added. But if the user changes their mind and wants to cancel the adding of a new cell, then you need to cancel the add process, which will unhighlight the cell.


The grid will show all the cells in the places you have set them. You need to set the attribute edit-mode or menu to start the editing process and allowing the user to change and configure the grid. You are responsible for saving the updated cell and grid changes.

You can work in two different ways. The first option is to have the edit mode controlled somewhere outside the grid-setup element, allowing the user to select what they want to edit. The second method is to have some option that turns the menu on and off, which switches the grid in and out of editing.

The edit-mode option select is not part of the menu. If you want to give the user the option to select one of the slotted cells then you need to set the edit-mode attribute manually. After the user has selected a slotted cell, it is up to you to remove the edit-mode attribute, otherwise the selection options will remain shown.

The order of the cells will not change if the direction is different, so it looks the same in ltr (left to right) and rtl (right to left) for example. It will not change when the writing mode is different too. It always uses the horizontal-tb (top to bottom) mode.


Including cell slot elements.

In this example we look at how cells are included in the grid by using HTML. Each cell is a default slot with some required attributes that set where in the grid they are placed.

  style="width: 20rem; height: 20rem;"
  columns="75, 25"
  rows="40, 40, 20">
  <div style="background-color: darkorange;" column="1" row="1" colspan="1" rowspan="2">A</div>
  <div style="background-color: lightblue;" column="2" row="1">B</div>
  <div style="background-color: lightcoral;" column="2" row="2">C</div>
  <div style="background-color: gold;" column="1" row="3" colspan="2" rowspan="1">D</div>

Manually set edit modes.

Here we are allowing the user to edit the grid. There are manual options to show what parts of the grid can be changed. Press the button to switch between the different edit modes.

Size Number Block Select Clear

Using the menu option.

This example shows how to turn on the build-in menu, that allows the user to switch between the edit modes. Press the button to turn the menu on and off. Doing this also changes the mode from normal grid view to editing.

Turn Menu On Turn Menu Off